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无石棉环保垫片 奥地利TEADIT(泰迪) 西班牙MONTERO(标牌… DONIT(特力) REINZ(莱茵茨) InterFace(因特费斯) GARLOCK卡勒克 KLINGER(克林格) GORE(戈尔) Flexoid福来德 Frenzelit GrafTech 减震降噪软木橡胶 葡萄牙AMORIM 密封垫片 四氟垫片
EMC-7201 is a composite structure of high-density, fully cured nitrile butadiene bound gasket facings chemically and mechanically fused to an expanded steel core. Typical applications include diesel engine structural joints such as gear case or flywheel housings, high pressure hydraulic joints, and performance and racing engine applications. It is available in 0.030, 0.042, and 0.060 inch gauges in a sheet size of 21 by 63 inches (usable area).
Caliper, mm(inch) 1.1 (0.042)
Density, g/cc(lb/cu.ft) 2.20 (137)
Compressibility, % (at 34.5MPa) 14
Recovery, % 50
Tensile Strength, AMD, MPa(psi) 37.90 (5500)
Tensile Strength, MD, MPa(psi) 15.20 (2200)
Fluid Resistance, IRM903 Oil
Change in Thickness, % 3
Fluid Resistance, Glycol/Water 50/50
Change in Thickness, % 6
Binder Type Fully Cured Nitrile Butadiene
Color Dark Grey
Specification values determined by the test methods required for ASTM F-104, Type 7 materials.